Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Spoken and Written English Vocabulary 2019/2020
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

This course aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding about the type and system of English vocabulary to support the ability and skills of oral and written communication correctly.

Extensive Reading
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

     This course is designed to develop students' reading fluency and positive attitudes to reading. Students will be able to develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading. Moreover, they will read a range of different English texts which promoting general language ability and world knowledge. In this case, the students can decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways or improving their critical thinking. Thus, after finishing this course, the students are expected will be able to improve certain abilities on reading such as speed reading, summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and reading critically and have positive attitudes to reading. 

Perkembangan Peserta Didik
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Mata kuliah PPD ini mempelajari konsep perkembangan secara umum dan hubungannya dengan perkembangan peserta didik, teori perkembangan, prinsip-prinsip perkembangan manusia, serta mempelajari perkembangan fisik, intelektual, emosi, sosial dan moral dengan implikasinya pada pendidikan di setiap periodisasi perkembangan manusia dari prenatal sampai dewasa. Perkuliahan dilakukan dengan tatap muka, diskusi dan tugas-tugas. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara tertulis dan pengamatan saat presentasi dan diskusi.

English Grammar in Written Discourse
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Developing students’ knowledge and ability to use advance structures of English for preparing writing levels. Lecturing will be the technique in delivering the materials and students are assigned to do structured work. Students’ learning will be assessed through classroom performance, assignments, quizzes, mid-semester test and final test.

Public Speaking
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

This course is aimed at developing the students’ skill and competence in expressing their ideas, thoughts, and feelings in more formal ways (introduction to formal English used in various public speaking activities) in academic or non academic settings. Fluency, accuracy, communicativeness, and appropriateness should be focused on. The topics include delivering speeches, chairing a meeting, conducting discussion, reporting, mc-ing, guiding, interviewing, debating, etc. the activities cover mostly speaking practices, some lectures and discussions. The evaluation on the students’ achievement is based on the students’ speaking performance in the classroom activities,in the mid test, final test and their classroom attendance as well as participation.

English Essay Writing
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Mata kuliah English Essay Writing ini berfokus pada pembentukan dan pengembangan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam menulis Essay sesuai dengan kaidah penulisan yang baik dan benar. Pada mata kuliah ini, mahasiswa akan mendapatkan pelajaran mengenai dasar-dasar penulisan Essay, metode penulisan dan pengembangan Essay dan praktik menulis berbagai Essay yang terdiri dari Introductory paragraph, body paragraph, dan concluding paragraph sesuai dengan kaidah penulisan yang baik serta mengenal rhetorical pattern of essay.

English Paragraph Writing
Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
In this course, we learn how to create/write a good English paragraph which consists of a Topic Sentence, Supporting Sentence and concluding sentence with good coherence.